Why the most suitable freelancers don’t see your tasks?

It often happens that when our clients don’t know the exact price for the job they want to be done, they post a task with a nominal price, let’s say 5$, and a note: “Apply, and we’ll discuss the price”. That is not the best tactics and let me explain why. The thing is freelancers […]

19 Июн. 2018
How to create the statement of work for a copywriter?

A brief checklist on what is important to write in the statement of work for a copywriter. Self-evident things. Framework of the statement of work for any text: Theme, key messages; Length of the text; Deadline; Price; What the text will be used for (for the main page of the website, email to clients, or […]

17 Июн. 2018
1.5 million users trust Work-zilla.com!

1.550.018 users are registered at Work-zilla! We have surpassed the 1.5 million threshold. This is cool! We had been going to the number of one million for 8 years and we finally got to that point on the 31st of March in 2017. And during the last year 500.000 joined us. We are growing!

15 Июн. 2018

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